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Trump revives an old conspiracy theory about Trudeau

Former U.S. President Donald Trump revived baseless conspiracies about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s family background in a recent interview with a controversial streamer.

The discussion took place in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, during an interview in which Trump refers to a false claim that Trudeau is the son of… Fidel Castro!

Trump claimed that rumors suggest Trudeau may be the son of Castro, the former leader of Cuba, and according to him, this may well be true.

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However, this isn’t the first time Trump has raised the idea, and the Canadian government has already denied the conspiracy theory.

The conspiracy theory gained traction on socials after Castro’s death in 2016, fueled by photos that showed an alleged resemblance between the two men (there is none really).

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The rumor is also invalidated by the chronology of events: Justin Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971, the son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his wife Margaret Trudeau.

Some have claimed that Justin was the fruit of a secret relationship between Fidel and Margaret. However, Justin was born more than four years before his mother first visited Cuba and met Castro, irrevocably refuting this theory.

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Despite these facts, Trump reiterated the conspiracy theory, reviving an old and widely discredited claim instead of focusing on his election campaign against Kamala Harris…

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…whose campaign, with his running mate Tim Walz, is currently enjoying favorable momentum.