
Mel B vows to spice up Spice Girls dance routines

Mel B has teased fans by saying she plans on re-working and updating the Spice Girl’s old dance routines if they go on tour.

Mel B has vowed to spice up the Spice Girls old dance routines should the girls go on tour.

The 42-year-old star – known as Scary Spice in the 90s girl group – was in charge of most of the choreography for her bandmates, Victoria Beckham, Emma Bunton, Mel C and Geri Horner back in their heyday and she says they’ll have no problem learning the iconic moves again.

Mel is quoted by the Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: "I mean, I choreographed them, or most of the Spice Girls moves, and they were very basic. It should not be hard to do some of the routines."

All five of the ‘Viva Forever’ hitmakers sparked excitement amongst fans when all five members got together at Geri’s house in north London at the start of February to talk about working together in the future, and Mel says it was just like the old days.

She said: "Well, we are friends at the end of the day. We have tea and hang out and we talk about stuff. We are all parents now, and for us five to be able to say that we can sell out arenas and concerts, that is a good feeling. We are still exactly the same."

Despite Mel B talking about potentially jazzing up their old routines, Mel C recently admitted they are yet to start "talking about new music or going out on the road together"..

Fans hoping for an imminent announcement about reunion tour dates will have to wait a bit longer as Sporty Spice insists discussions haven’t got that far.

The ‘When You’re Gone’ recently said: "It’s very early stages, we’re not talking about new music or going out on the road together at this time."