
Drew Barrymore’s dating app troubles

Drew Barrymore has admitted she has given up on dating apps after being on one for around five days.

Drew Barrymore is still trying to get off the dating app Raya.

The 42-year-old actress’ marriage to her ex-husband Will Kopleman ended in 2016 and Drew thought she would try the specialist celebrity matchmaking service.

But after a series of failed chats, the Hollywood star is still struggling to fully delete the app.

Speaking on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ on Friday (09.02.18), Drew said: "So ever since I was a teenager and excited about the idea of dating someone, I had always fantasised about a blind date, which I have never and will never be able to have on my side at least [Ellen: because people know you] exactly!

"So when the whole dating apps started, I remember eHarmony was like answer 25 questions and we will place you with someone and I was like, ‘What are the 25 questions and who will they place me with?’ Then years went by and my dear friend, we will call her ‘Lana Maria Vichee’ and she was on this dating app called Raya and then I heard that Amy Schumer found her boyfriend on there and then one night I’m flying home by myself and I’m like, ‘Screw it! I’m gonna fulfil my fantasy and go on a dating app, but do a blind date but not really.’ So I went on it and no one responded and one guy wrote, ‘What is someone like you doping on an app like this?’ And I was like, ‘Is that a compliment and an insult all wrapped ambiguously but super clear in one fell swoop?’ OK there’s that. Then I texted with this one guy and said, ‘If you feel inclined to go for a drink that’d be great but zero pressure,’ but never got a response. Then there was a guy who said, ‘I will meet you. I can meet you from 7 to 8pm. I have something afterwards that’s my limited time window.’ I’m such like a Josie Grossie from ‘Never Been Kissed’, and I said, ‘OK so I’m available. I can’t do it tonight but I am available every night this week,’ it’s like as lame as it gets. And he writes me back, ‘Er I’m gone for the holidays.’ And that was it and then he was gone. So I got off the site. Then I’m with my children’s father, wonderful Will, in the kitchen and he says, ‘Why are you on Raya?’ I was like, ‘How do you know? I was on it for four five days. How do you know I’m on Raya?’

"And he said, ‘I saw your profile on my phone,’ and I said, ‘When?’ and he said, ‘Two days ago.’ I was still on it! And I’m still trying to get off of it. Off of the site."