
Rose McGowan blamed for former manager’s suicide

Rose McGowan’s former manager has taken her own life, and her family have blamed the star’s tirade against Harvey Weinstein for the tragedy.

Rose McGowan’s former manager has taken her own life, and her family have blamed the star’s tirade against Harvey Weinstein for the tragedy.

The 44-year-old actress employed Jill Messick as her manager in 1997 – the year she alleges she was raped by the disgraced producer at the Sundance Film Festival – and after Jill tragically took her own life at the age of 50, her family have placed the blame her passing on Rose’s "inaccurate accusations" against her.

In a lengthy public statement released on Thursday (08.02.18), Jill’s family said: "Jill Messick was a mother of two children, a loving wife and partner, a dear friend to many and a smart entertainment executive. She was also a survivor, privately battling depression which had been her nemesis for years. Today she did not survive. Jill took her own life.

"Seeing her name in headlines again and again, as part of one person’s attempt to gain more attention for her personal cause, along with Harvey’s desperate attempt to vindicate himself, was devastating for her. It broke Jill, who was just starting to get her life back on track. What makes Rose’s inaccurate accusations and insinuations against Jill ironic was that she was the first person who stood up on Rose’s behalf, and alerted her bosses to the horrific experience which Rose suffered."

After leaving her job as Rose’s manager, Jill went on to work as a producer for Weinstein’s company Miramax, and in the family’s statement they claim she reported Rose’s harassment claims to her bosses at the time Addis Wechsler management, and thought the issue had been dealt with.

They added: "All Jill knew was that the matter was settled and that Rose continued making films with the Weinsteins. She never knew any details until recently, when Rose elected to make them public."

Jill’s family closed their statement by urging people to remember that "words have power".

They said: "As we collectively seek to take action in an effort to right the wrongs so brazenly and inhumanely repeated for a generation, we must not forget one simple truth: Words have power. While we illuminate the dark corners for hidden truths, we must remember that what we say, particularly in the media, can have just as much impact if not more than our actions. We must ask more of ourselves, and of each other. We must take a moment to consider the ramifications and consequences of what we say and what we do. Words matter. Someone’s life may depend on it."