Hollywood PQ

No, Alicia Moffet is not pregnant

Last Sunday, the popular red carpet for the new edition ofOccupation Double: OD Mexico was held. Candidates and hosts were all dressed up for the occasion. But that’s not whyAlicia Moffet ‘s dress was the talk of the town.

Following the broadcast of the much-anticipated event, some viewers raised questions about the host’s possible pregnancy… yet again.

With a great deal of openness and humor, Alicia responded to the comments.

“A message of general interest: to all those who write to ask me if I’m pregnant, because you listened to the red carpet and you saw that I had a bump on my belly because I live, breathe and eat (laughs) uh…. And if you’ve listened to OD Extra you’ve noticed that it’s bloating; bloating… a lot of bloating because the trip from Montreal to Mexico, the plane, the Mexican food… It’s not a great cocktail party around my house,” she explained in an early story on her Instagram account.

“Also, the day I’m going to be pregnant and I’m going to want to hide it so it stays a secret, I’m going to hide it a lot better than that right now,” Alicia continued in a second video.

To which Fred responded, in the video:

“What are you going to hide?”

Alicia then explained the viewers’ questioning and Fred then added, to conclude the subject:

“Well no, it’s just because you’ve got gas!”

Well done, Alicia, for your aplomb.