
Ryan Gosling pays tribute to dog

Ryan Gosling has taken to wearing the identity tags of his beloved dog George since the pooch passed away late last year.

Ryan Gosling wears his dog’s identity tags in tribute to his late canine companion.

The ‘Blade Runner 2049’ actor was left devastated when his "good friend" George passed away in December and currently has no interest in getting another pet.

Asked about his unusual necklace, he said: "Yeah, that’s George."

And when talk show host Ellen DeGeneres asked if he’d get another dog, he looked downcast as he shook his head and said: "We’ll see."

Ryan, 36, admitted George had been his constant companion over the years, no matter where he was in the world.

He said: "Almost every film, [he came] everywhere."

The ‘Notebook’ actor admitted he finds it hard to think of George as a dog because the pooch acted like other canines were "beneath" him.

He said: "He was 17, he passed away in December and he was a good friend to me.

"It’s funny to say ‘dog’ because I feel like, there was something about George where I think he felt like being a dog was beneath him. He would not do tricks. If you wanted him to sit down you had to sort of convince him it was in his best interests.

"One time we were at an outdoor restaurant and he was sitting on the pavement looking forlorn down the street.

"Someone got up to go to the restroom, and he, I guess, had had enough and he got up onto their seat and sat down at the table like a gentleman and looked around the table like, ‘Yeah, that’s right.’"

The ‘La La Land’ star – who has daughters Esmeralda, three, and Amada, 17 months, with partner Eva Mendes – joked George looked like an "aging rock star" before he passed away.

He quipped: "George, as he started to age, started to look like an aging rock star.

"He was sort of skinny-fat and he had big hair and, you know, no teeth, open sores, but still sexy."