
Katherine Schwarzenegger calls for more pet adoption

Katherine Schwarzenegger wants to reach children about adopting pets in her new kids book ‘Maverick and Me’

Katherine Schwarzenegger wants to see more pets being adopted.

The 27-year-old author – and the daughter of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger – has shared her story about pet adoption in her children’s book ‘Maverick and Me’ in the hope it will encourage others to "get a dog that comes with a story".

She said: "I wanted to write this book because I saw how kids reacted to me having my dog and the fact that you could get a dog that came with a story.

"I had so much fun writing it. It was my first children’s book, so to be able to write something that was really fun and true and based off my dog and my experience was really really great."

And Katherine feels lucky to have such a "supportive" family, who have helped her learn the responsibilities of having her own dog.

She told Us Weekly magazine: "I have had a very supportive family to help me along the way of learning the responsibilities of having my own dog."

Katherine had previously revealed how she came to have Maverick join her family.

Writing on her blog in 2014, she shared: "So as some of you might know, I have been helping a woman in Santa Monica by fostering puppies for her. In January she called me and asked me if I would mind taking another puppy that was just 4 weeks old and found under the freeway in South Central.

"Obviously, I said yes and when I got little Maverick, I was feeding him out of a syringe. He ended up getting Parvo, which is really dangerous for puppies and he after being in the hospital for a week he came back and we got him nice and healthy.

"I ended up fostering him for longer than I usually do, but then realised that he was a little miracle pup I couldn’t let go! So now Maverick is officially a member of our family and I love the little guy! I’m not totally sure what breed he is, but his brindle coat seems to be quite the topic of conversation."