Mobile Syrup

Twitter fixes video upload processing speeds on Android 9 and newer

Twitter has heard complaints about video uploads being slow for Android. Now, the official Twitter Engineering account has acknowledged the issue and has confirmed a fix. Now it should be faster to share your favorite clips up to 720p and bitrates of 3.5mbps and lower. While this improvement represents our latest evolution for Android video […]

Twitter has heard complaints about video uploads being slow for Android. Now, the official Twitter Engineering account has acknowledged the issue and has confirmed a fix.

According to the tweet, it should be faster to upload clips up to 720p and bitrates of 3.5mbps and lower. This feature should be available for Android 9 devices and up. Twitter has not said anything about posting anything of higher quality or increased codec support, but Twitter says that it’s continuing to improve the upload experience for high-quality videos.

iOS users can already upload at this higher quality.

Now, for users who upload with an Android 9 Pie device and newer, you’ll notice some improvements when uploading at 720p video processing.

Source: Twitter