
Robert Pattinson faked accent

Robert Pattinson has confessed he faked his accent at auditions as he didn’t want people to know he was born in the UK because he felt it stopped him getting certain roles.

Robert Pattinson faked his accent at auditions.

The ‘Remember Me’ star has revealed how he would adopt an American accent when he went to audition for certain films rather than his British accent as he didn’t want people to know he was born in the UK as he felt it stopped him getting particular roles.

During a panel at Cannes Film Festival, director Josh Safdie – who is at the helm of Robert’s new film ‘Good Time’ – said: "You were telling me that story about how you’d go to auditions with your Denver accent, because you just did not want anyone to know that you were British-born."

To which Robert further explained: "I would do an impression. I would have another character to go to an audition to play a different character."

It comes after Robert admitted he is a "manic" person.

Speaking about his role in ‘Good Time’, he revealed: "I don’t know how much of it was really me other than being really manic. No one really sees that. That’s a private thing. I’m someone who just stops at a red light and I’m just revving …

"Because we were shooting guerrilla style, I was so nervous [about] people finding out about the shoot and paparazzi being there. It destroys the illusion of it. What I was doing as a person was feeding into the character, trying to disappear, trying to be a ghost in the crowd."

Robert and the make-up team also experimented with a set of different looks beforehand and decided that adding some fake scars to his flesh would put fans off track.

He added: "We experimented with a few different things. You’ve got these pock marks in the skin and no one recognises you. We shot the movie on the streets of New York, and no one took a cell phone photo."