
“Tinder Swindler: Spain on the hunt for Simon Leviev

Spain has just issued an arrest warrant for the star of the documentaryTinder Swindlerpresented onNetflix, the swindler Simon Leviev.

According to the Daily Mail, Simon Leviev, born Shimon Hayut, was “caught using a fake driver’s license when he stuck his $90,000(US) Maserati on a Spanish beach.”

TheTinder scammer has a long history of fraud andscams following him. The man has managed toscamwomen by posing as various characters. In the process, in what amounts to aPonzi scheme, these women take out hefty loans so that the con man can live thelife of a multimillionaire.

In his latest stunt in Spain, Simon Leviev told police he was a vacationer named Michael Bilton. Police have asked the court in the southern Spanish port city of Algeciras to open a criminal investigation against the man they now know is Leviev.

The fraudster has already served a prison sentence in his native Israel after being arrested for using a fake passport in Greece.

Unmasked thanks to Tinder SwindlerNetflix, Simon Leviev reappeared on Instagram last March. He was then trying to scam other women.

Last month, the family of a wealthy diamond dealer suedShimon Hayut, akaSimon Leviev, formillions of dollars. They claim that the man allegedlyimpersonated them and unjustly enriched himself by using their last name.

Simon Leliev is said to have defrauded various people around the world to the tune of an estimated10 million dollars (US).