Éphémérides (anglais)

It happened on a… April 28

Find out about the main events that have taken place on this day over the years.


US confirmed cases of COVID-19 pass 1 million, while death toll of 58,365 surpasses that of US soldiers killed in Vietnam War (Johns Hopkins).


Disney says Marvel film “Avengers: Endgame” made estimated $1.2 billion worldwide, first film to make more than 1 billion on opening.

TV series “Game of Thrones: The Long Night” episode debuts with the longest battle ever screened (nearly 80 mins), surpassing “Lord of the Rings” Battle of Helm’s Deep (44 mins).


Millionaire Dennis Tito becomes the world’s first space tourist.


Winnipeg Jets play their final game as a team, and are eliminated from the playoffs, losing to the Detroit Red Wings 4-1; the s-called ‘Winnipeg Whiteouts’ play as the Phoenix Coyotes in the 1996-97 season.


Iran protests sale of “Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie.


King Crismson with Greg Lake & Ian McDonald debuts


Muhammad Ali refused induction into the U.S. Army and was stripped of boxing title. He cited religious grounds for his refusal.


Luciano Pavarotti makes his debut at La Scala, Milan in Franco Zeffirelli’s production of “La bohème” with Mirella Freni.


The yellow fever vaccine for humans was announced.