
Lindsay Lohan is ‘scared’ to go back to Los Angeles

Lindsay Lohan has admitted she is frightened to go back to Los Angeles because she suffers from panic attacks when she is followed by paparazzi.

Lindsay Lohan is "so scared" to go back to Los Angeles.

The 30-year-old actress moved to London from sunny California in 2012 to escape the spotlight and has opened up about the panic attacks and anxiety she suffered every time paparazzi set off their camera flashes and how much "safer" she feels residing in the British capital where the laws on snappers are more relaxed.

She said: "Meetings and seeing friends and family. I haven’t been to LA in I don’t know how long and I’m so scared to go. It’s just so overwhelming.

"Landing at the airport and it’s like, I get this panic attack and can’t breathe, just the [camera flashes], that moment, it’s weird for me and I haven’t had that in a long time. I found peace when I got to England and moved to London, I felt a lot safer."

Asked if she doesn’t want to go back because of the paparazzi while appearing on ‘John Bishop: In Conversation With…’, she said: "Yeah, and I started thinking about the business aspect of things and I really felt a good schedule. But also the press, the legal terms of it here are very different, they can’t photograph you on the main street but in America, its a free for all and they have a mentality of the more the better, which is not necessarily a good thing. And I did my first movie here, I kind of regained my youth here and then started thinking about the future."

The ‘Mean Girls’ star says being papped was never normal and she finds it "startling" despite being given advice from fashion designer Karl Lagerfield.

Asked if it was a common thing to happen to her, she said: "No, Karl Lagerfeld told me just imagine they are machine guns, stand there quick and then run, that’s what it felt like. It’s true, once you don’t have that, it starts to feel like that, that sound, the shutter, it’s startling."