
Azealia Banks scolded by judge after skipping court date

Outspoken rap star Azealia Banks has been scolded by a judge after she failed to show up in court on Monday (03.06.17).

Azealia Banks has been blasted by a judge after she failed to show up in court on Monday (03.06.17).

The 25-year-old rap star blamed her failure to appear in court to face allegations of biting a female nightclub bouncer on tardiness, but Justice Kathryn Paek refused to accept Azealia’s explanation.

According to defence lawyer Jess Berkowitz, Azealia was out of the country and mistakenly thought her court date was set for later in the week.

Speaking in court on Tuesday (03.07.17), the ‘212’ hitmaker said: "I just wanted to apologise for being tardy."

But Paek snapped back, according to the New York Post newspaper: "Not tardy! You missed your court date, your case is on for hearing and trial, and you did not appear. Do you understand the difference?"

To which Azealia – who was reportedly at Paris Fashion Week when she was originally supposed to be in court – replied: "Yes."

Andrea Kimmel, the Assistant District Attorney, told the court that the "defendant has failed to appear in this case multiple times, including the first trial date" and requested for $2,000 bail.

Despite the stern words of the judge, Azealia was released without bail and was reportedly seen flashing a relieved smile as she left the court room.

The rapper, who is alleged to have attacked the female bouncer following a heated argument in December 2015, is set to return to court on March 10.

Earlier in 2015, Azealia was involved in a physical confrontation with a bouncer at the Break Room 86 in Los Angeles, when she was asked to leave the club on account of her unruly behaviour.

The dramatic incident was filmed on CCTV cameras, but the Los Angeles City Attorney subsequently rejected the case due to a lack of evidence.