
Kendra Wilkinson gets into on board feud

Kendra Wilkinson has admitted a fight almost broke out between her and another woman on board a 45-minute flight back to Los Angeles earlier this week after the other passenger pulled her up on her boozy antics.

Kendra Wilkinson almost got into a fight with another passenger on board her flight to Los Angeles on Tuesday (10.01.17) after she downed a series of tequila shots.

The ‘Kendra on Top’ star struggled to hold her tongue after a woman – who she called a "f***ing bitch" – accused her of "being too loud" while knocking back the alcoholic beverages during their 45-minute journey but, rather than pull the blonde bombshell up on her wild behaviour at the time, she waited until they were exiting the aircraft.

Speaking to paparazzi, according to the MailOnline, as she walked out of the airport, she screeched: "So me and this girl in front of me were having some fun, taking shots of tequila. And this girl in back of me, she didn’t say anything the whole flight home, but oh she wants to say something on our way off the plane. [She said]: ‘You know you guys were a little loud.’ Say it to my f***ing face."

The 31-year-old reality TV star is convinced the woman – whose identity and age is not known – only pulled her up on her boozing once they were making their way into the arrivals gate because she was "jealous as f**k" that she couldn’t party with them.

It’s not known where Kendra had returned from but it was probably somewhere hot as she recently admitted she suffers with seasonal affective disorder (SAD,) which is a specific type of depression that comes and goes according to the seasons of the year.

She said "I don’t know about u guys but I feel crazy around the holidays. Moody n s**t. Maybe im like this year round n don’t know tho. Lack of vitamin D they say … been gettin that extra D … maybe I should actually take the vitamin tho. (sic)"