Mobile Syrup

Three months in, I’m still satisfied with Oxio internet

Back in April, I wrote about my experience switching to Oxio, an internet company promising no “telco bullshit.” Shortly after writing it, I vanished from MobileSyrup to go on parental leave after my wife had a baby.

I had wanted to write a follow-up to the original piece, and now that I’m back, this seemed like a great time to do it. What follows is some additional information now that I’ve been using Oxio’s service for about three months, and also answers to some questions I received from readers while I was away.

First, my experience so far has been fantastic. I haven’t run into any slow-downs or other issues with my service. I did go a few days without internet following the May 21st storm that slammed southern Ontario, but it wasn’t Oxio’s fault — the company’s service runs on Rogers’ infrastructure in Ontario.

As someone who relies on the internet for both my job (I almost exclusively work from home) and for entertainment (I love to play video games and stream movies and shows since I don’t have cable), consistent, quality service is important. I feel like Oxio has so far delivered. And it seems I’m not the only one — several readers left comments on my previous story detailing their own positive experiences with Oxio.

Finally, I wanted to reiterate that depending on where you live, Oxio service could differ! While my experience with the service has been excellent, Oxio’s internet operates with different providers in some provinces. Again, in Ontario, Oxio uses Rogers. In Quebec, it uses Vidéotron, while in B.C. and Alberta, it runs on Shaw. In other words, there could be differences between the consistency and speed I got and what you’d get in another province.

That about sums it up for me. I’ll be keeping a closer eye on this post, so feel free to ask any questions below and I’ll try me best to answer them. Alternatively, there is a small, fan-run Oxio subreddit and a staff-run Discord channel where you might be able to get answers to questions as well.