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Google Pixel 6a may offer a faster fingerprint sensor compared to Pixel 6 Pro

Ahead of its July 28th launch, early tests indicate that Google’s Pixel 6a could feature a faster fingerprint sensor compared to the Pixel 6 Pro. This may be a relief to some as the Pixel 6’s sensor was a point of contention when the series first launched in late 2021. In a recent video, Malaysian […]

Ahead of its July 28th launch, early tests indicate that Google’s Pixel 6a could feature a faster fingerprint sensor compared to the Pixel 6 Pro. This may be a relief to some as the Pixel 6’s sensor was a point of contention when the series first launched in late 2021.

In a recent video, Malaysian content creator Fazli Halim spent some hands-on time with the Pixel 6a. In the video, Halim discusses how the device supposedly uses a different under-display fingerprint sensor than the Pixel 6 flagship devices and is able to recognize the user’s fingerprint faster.

This should come as welcomed news for Pixel users. When Pixel 6 launched, users voiced their concerns over the slow and often frustrating under-display fingerprint sensor. Oftentimes, users would be met with a “Hold a little longer” message when attempting to use a thumb to unlock the device. In Halim’s video, we can see the Pixel 6a unlocking with far less hassle.

Last year, Google became privy to user frustrations. In response to user inquiries, the tech giant claims that the sensor “utilizes enhanced security algorithms.” The issue impacted enough users that Google released a patch to mitigate the situation.

News that Google is utilizing a different fingerprint sensor doesn’t come as a surprise, however. Earlier this year, the company confirmed the Pixel 6a would utilize a different sensor. Thankfully, it appears the swap has resulted in a positive impact on the user experience.

It’s only a matter of time until the Pixel 6a will be available for users to try for themselves. The new mid-range device should offer at least one key advantage over its premium counterparts.

When it launches, the Pixel 6a will be available in ‘Charcoal,’ ‘Sage’ and ‘Chalk’ in Canada for $599.

Image credit: Google

Source: Fazli Halim (YouTube) Via: The Verge