
Shakira could face up to 8 years in prison in Spain

It’s not going well for the singer!

It was learned in the last few hours that the famous singer Shakira could be sentenced to 8 years in prison for an alleged tax fraud committed in Spain.

The country’s prosecutors announced that they would ask the court to sentence the star to eight years and two months in prison if she is found guilty at trial.

Things are going badly for the singer! Indeed, the latter is accused of tax fraud of a total of 14.5 million euros, for unpaid taxes between the years 2012 and 2014 on Spanish soil.

The full indictment includes six counts against the Colombian singer. The latter has refused a settlement agreement proposed by prosecutors, preferring to opt for a trial. The date has not yet been set.

Shakira’s public relations people have stated in a press release that the singer “has always cooperated and respected the law” and they accuse the Spanish Tax Agency of having violated the artist’s rights. On the side of the Barcelona prosecutors, they argue instead that since the singer spent a good part of the year on Spanish soil between 2012 and 2014, she should have paid taxes in the country.

Shakira was named at the end of 2021 in the case of the Pandora Papers, those confidential documents on world leaders who have done business with tax havens.

What a story! We can not wait to know the outcome of this legal saga for Shakira.