
Tony Visconti: David Bowie can be really humorous and serious

David Bowie’s long-term producer Tony Visconti says the rocker is ”charming”, even when he’s flickering between being ”humorous and serious” in the studio.

David Bowie is both ”humorous and serious” in the studio, says producer Tony Visconti.

The 68-year-old rocker is known for being dark and mysterious and often intimidating, but Tony Visconti – Bowie’s on-and-off producer since 1967 – disagrees and claims he’s ”charming” – even when he’s being ”serious”.

Asked if Bowie’s changed over the years, Tony said: ”’He fluctuates between being really humorous and really serious. So he creates this atmosphere. Maybe he’s aware that people can be intimidated by him.

”Even after all these years I get goose bumps when I work with him. He’s so different and you know something great and unusual is going to come out of it

”That can make me a little nervous and edgy so consequently he makes everyone feel calm and he’s not heavy, he’s not scowling. He is quite funny and pleasant. I would even say charming. Then when a point needs to be made, he can get extremely serious and be adamant that something must be done a certain way. Even that is done in a courteous manner, nobody feels intimidated. ”

And Bowie – who released his 25th studio album ‘Blackstar’ recently – is a ”much happier man now”, according to Tony.

He told The Sun newspaper: ”He’s obviously a much happier man now and he’s really much more solid as a human being.”

Tony – who produced his latest record at the iconic Magic Shop studios in New York – thinks he’s a better person because he’s not overindulging like he did in the seventies.

He added: ”He doesn’t practice any of those indulgences that he did in the seventies, none of us do.”