Entertainment News

MTL’s SWAT kicks down wrong door, arrest wrong man

The SPVM’s tactical group (SWAT) certainly traumatized a couple by entering their residence… only to find out it was the wrong one.

The Journal de Montréal reported that Marc-André Asselin and Sabrina Landry were sleeping comfortably during the night of November 16-17, before being suddenly awakened by the SWAT team who broke down their front door by mistake.

In fact, the individual sought was the tenant of the outraged Montérégie couple, who were understandably disconcerted to experience such an event.

The search of the wrong residence seems to have lasted several minutes before the police realized that they were in the wrong place. They searched the house, asking for the couple’s names and dates of birth, while handcuffing the man of the house, according to Sabrina Landry’s testimony.