Entertainment News

Should Dana White leave the UFC after hitting his wife?

UFC big boss Dana White punched (with his right hand) his wife in the face at a New Year’s Eve party.

Yet, White has always said that he does not accept men who hit women, adding that no excuse could justify such an act.

The 53-year-old man got away with hitting his wife of 26 years a few minutes after New Year’s Eve while they were at a nightclub in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

In the video, we see that the tone rose quickly between the two lovers, who were heavily intoxicated. Anne, his wife, slapped him and White responded immediately with a slap and pushes!

The two talked at length, forgave each other and quickly discussed the situation with their three children as the images were all over social networks.

Anne actually defended her husband following this scene:

“To say that this is not like him is an understatement – nothing like this has ever happened before. Things got out of hand, on both sides. We talked about it as a family and apologized. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our children!”she told TMZ.

Despite the apology and desire to keep this situation private, should Dana White resign from his position with the UFC?

If he’s consistent with the comments he was delivering about violence against women, he should jump ship, right?