
$1 million investment in wild blueberries

Canadian government funds biomedical research.

Blueberry growers in New Brunswick and across Canada will be able to capitalize on more marketing opportunities thanks to the latest investment in research by the Canadian government.

On behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, Fisheries and Oceans Minister Keith Ashfield announced today that BioAtlantech will receive more than $1 million to study the health benefits of wild blueberries and develop innovative ways of including wild blueberries in processed food to increase demand.

"We already know blueberries are a super food – both for our health and as a profitable crop," said Ashfield. "This investment will help discover new health benefits and new economic opportunities for the blueberry industry by bringing together leaders in agricultural and medical research."

The project will study the health benefits of blueberries and provide the tools to expand wild blueberry biomedical research in the international scientific community.

This project is expected to increase global demand for wild blueberries by helping to develop new and improved products and processing technology, leading to a range of commercial opportunities for wild blueberries in the health sector.


Photo credit: Ambro /