
50 Cent Not Laughing Anymore

50 Cent feels guilty for having joked about the Rihanna/Chris Brown incident.

Rapper 50 Cent has promised to stop joking on the subject of the altercation between Chris Brown and Rihanna, after having supposedly seen images of the singer’s injuries, reports

Singer Chris Brown was accused of having threatened and assaulted Rihanna earlier this month. Following the incident, rapper 50 Cent took the opportunity to poke some fun, and even posted an animated video on his Website, showing Brown and Rihanna fighting like characters from the Street Fighter video game.


The singer now vows to stop making these inappropriate gestures, after having seen images of Rihanna, who seemed to have severe bruising on her nose and lips.


He explained, "After I saw the photograph, that wasn’t funny anymore. I didn’t have any information on it."