
83% of infants worldwide get DPT vaccine

(Relaxnews) – Twenty million infants worldwide went without the recommended DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) immunization in 2011, reports the World Health Organization (WHO).

The good news is more than 8 infants out of 10 (83%) received DTP vaccines in 2011, which shows progress: 40 years ago, only 5% of infants worldwide received them.

The report sheds light on the WHO’s plan to increase worldwide vaccination rates for infants: "The Plan involves four goals: strengthening routine immunisation to meet vaccination coverage targets, accelerating control of vaccine-preventable diseases and introducing new and improved vaccines."

"An accessible and well-functioning immunisation programme should be a key component of public health services in every country. By supporting countries to strengthen their health systems through the implementation of the new Global Vaccine Action Plan, we can increase global access to vaccines and make an impact on the lives of millions of people," comments Dr. Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, the Director of WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, as part of the report.