
A blood test to detect cancer risks

It will soon be possible to know if you have cancer up to five or six years in advance.

Starting next year in Britain, a simple blood test could be available to determine if cancer is developing in your body. This could be five or six years before the actual appearance of a tumour.

A cancer specialist at the University of Nottingham created this test. This will be an early warning system for lung cancer and breast cancer, in particular; it has obtained the best results so far with early detection of these two cancers.

According to the Daily Mail, this simple test could now save thousands of lives and avoid the pain and distress people experience during this often drawn out illness.

People with cancer often have no symptoms and when they get the diagnosis the cancer has already progressed. In Western Europe, the United Kingdom is the country with the worst prognosis rate.

The blood test can group the warning signs that cancer is developing thanks to signals from the immune system. Doctors need only two teaspoons of blood to find out.

If the person gets a positive result, he or she will be followed closely by their doctor. The tumour can be dealt with as soon as it appears. The survival rate is much greater when the cancer is treated in its earliest stages.