
A coffee a day could reduce your risk of stroke

Swedish study examines diet and health of 35,000 women.

There is a common misconception that coffee is bad for your health. However, the results of a Swedish study found that those who drank at least one cup of coffee a day had a 22 to 25 percent lower risk of stroke than those who drank less coffee.

After following the diet and health of 35,000 women age 49 to 83, that’s the conclusion reached by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. By comparison, those who drank little or no coffee would be more likely to suffer a stroke.

“Some women have avoided consuming coffee because they have thought it is unhealthy,” said researcher Susanna Larsson. “In fact, increasing evidence indicates that moderate coffee consumption may decrease the risk of some diseases such as diabetes, liver cancer and possibly stroke.”

The team believes the results are due to the fact that coffee reduces inflammation and improves insulin sensitivity. Previous studies have shown similar results with male smokers.