
A Costly Farewell for Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s funeral cost more than one million dollars.

Official documents have revealed that Jackson’s September funeral was a very pricey affair.
The numerous expenses include $35 000 for his burial clothes, $3 682 for framing a photo, and $21 455 for a reception following the funeral.
Howard Weitzman, a lawyer representing the singer’s estate, said, "I probably would have done it less expensively, but it was Michael Jackson. He was bigger than life when he was alive, and there’s no reason why his funeral shouldn’t be bigger than life."
The most expensive item of the funeral arrangements was the $855 730 contract with Forest Lawn Memorial Park, which included $590 000 for the inscription of Jackson’s grave.
The funeral details were revealed yesterday (November 10) following an announcement from Katherine Jackson’s lawyers.  Mrs. Jackson had been battling with the executors of the estate, but now says that she will work with them to resolve any issues outside of court.