Nouvelles quotidiennes

A dog’s day in Paris

The Museum of Hunting and Nature in Paris exhibits dog photos by Antoine Schneck.

If you like traveling with your cat, it is perhaps not advisable to bring it along with you on the ride to the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature) in Paris. The museum  specializes in the special relationship between nature and the hunt since time immemorial and will exhibit the work of photographer Antoine Schneck.

He photographed 60 dogs and a cat that all belong to celebrities. Politicians, artists and TV personalities, all agreed to lend their pet to the Schneck exhibit.

All animal pictures were taken in the same way – on a black background. Only the head appears on the prints that are one meter by one meter each, producing a spectacular effect.

Visitors are invited to match the animal with its master. The exhibit runs until September 26, 2010.

The latest news is that the single cat picture still sits safely among all the dog photos.