
A fast walk slows down prostate cancer?

Study finds regular brisk walks delay the spread of prostate cancer.

A brisk walk could be a key factor in helping to delay or prevent the onset of prostate cancer, finds a new study published in the journal Cancer Research.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco studied 1,455 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

They found that the men who spent at least three hours a week engaged in regular, brisk walks managed to slow the spread of the disease by up to 57 percent.

"The benefit from walking truly depended on how quickly you walked. Walking at an easy pace did not seem to have any benefit," explained lead author Erin Richman. "Walking is something everyone can and should do to improve their health."

While speed was important, the distance covered was not. Researchers found that any distance walked was linked to a decrease in risk.

"It appears that men who walk briskly after their diagnosis may delay or even prevent progression of their disease," noted Richman.