
A Girl for Jeri Ryan

Actress Jeri Ryan announced that the baby she is expecting in the month of March is a girl.

People reported that Jeri Ryan, who confirmed she is pregnant two months ago, announced that she is expecting a baby girl.

She stated, "We are thrilled. We’re so excited, we’re just beside ourselves. I feel really good. I’ve had it very easy so far. I’ve only had four days when I didn’t feel great. It’s been a wonderful pregnancy." 

The actress has been married to French chef, Christophe Emé, since last June. The couple is expecting their first baby in March. The couple is trying to think of a name for the baby.
Ryan explained, "We’re looking for a French name. It’s hard! We want a French name that sounds good to an American ear, and vice versa. It’s not easy, but we definitely want to give her a French name."