
A musical comedy for Alex Kapranos?

Franz Ferdinand singer and guitarist Alex Kapranos wants to write a musical comedy.

According to Australian radio station Tripe J, Alex Kapranos wants to write a musical comedy. He is the singer and guitarist of Scottish band Franz Ferdinand.

The musician is currently on tour with the band in Australia. He talks about an idea he has for a musical comedy. "I did have this amazing idea, I’ve been keeping it a secret for ages! I think it would make an amazing musical."

The 37-year old revealed that the work would focus on a day in the life of an actual celebrity. He goes on to add, "The thing is, what would make a great musical would be to pick a contemporary figure, like somebody of the last 10 years. Somebody who’s had a big impact."

Kapranos admits he does have a specific star in mind to play the lead role in his musical comedy. He says it is not a musician.