
A new drink claims to reduces drunkenness

Leaders in the fight against alcoholism are worried about the arrival of this drink.

French officials leading the fight against alcoholism are sceptical and worried about the imminent arrival of a drink claiming to reduce drunkenness and ease hangovers.

The Outbox sparkling beverage comes in a metallic orange can and promises to speed up the breakdown of alcohol content in the blood. This would allow a person who is drinking to return to a sober state more quickly.

The makers of Outbox say, "Medical tests have been carried out and they are very conclusive." They plan to distribute the drink in big box stores, bars and restaurants.

Specialists worry this type of drink will encourage people, especially young people, to drink more.

Dr. Alain Rigaud is president of the French anti-alcoholism campaign group Association nationale de prévention en alcoologie et addictologie (ANPAA). He states: "If someone invented a product capable of really lowering the level of alcohol in the blood, he would deserve a Nobel prize. It risks encouraging people to drive without checking their alcohol level."
A similar drink came out in 2006. Security Feel Better was briefly banned in France and had to change its marketing message. It now claims to fight hangovers and mentions nothing about reducing drunkenness.