
A new male contraceptive

A simple injection can cause sterility for fifteen years.

Here is one contraceptive method that could bring happiness to many couples in the future.

Dr. R.S. Sharma, director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research, obtained the right to conduct human tests on the efficacy of a new male contraceptive.

This new, reversible male contraceptive is being tested right now in India.

The contraceptive is an injectable drug which inhibits the reproductive function of sperm, leading to infertility in humans for approximately fifteen years.

Called RISUG (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance), this contraception does not contain hormones. It appears to be very reliable and requires only one injection.

If clinical tests are successful, this new method could become very popular with couples who do not want to have children or who want to wait before starting a family.

This option will complement the most popular methods today, including female oral contraception or condoms.