
A New Michael Jackson Song

A new song by Michael Jackson, entitled This Is It, will soon be released.

The song, which shares its title with the concert series that Jackson planned before his death, will be released on October 12.

This Is It will be part of a double album of the same name, which will be released on October 26.  Recorded for his show, the song also features the voices of his brothers, The Jacksons.

The first disc of the double album will include songs featured in the upcoming film of the same name, which will be on screens for a limited time in October.  The songs will follow the same order as Jackson performed them in the film.

The second disc will contain This Is It, updated versions of some of Jackson’s biggest hits, and a poem called Planet Earth, recited by the singer.

An additional 36-page booklet will also be included, featuring exclusive photos of the artist during his final rehearsals.