
A Night with Beyoncé goes quiet

Pop star loses her voice while filming TV special.

It’s starting to look like the U.K. is home to some kind of pop star vocal virus. Both Adele and Duran Duran’s Simon Le Bon, two Britons, have experienced serious throat problems in recent months, now a third visiting artist, Beyoncé, has just experienced the same fate … while she was in London, reports Teen Music.

Last Thursday (July 14) the singer was forced to cut short the taping of a special TV concert, A Night with Beyoncé, as she began to lose her voice.

The superstar began taping the hour-long TV special on Wednesday (July 13), performing hits such as Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), Crazy in Love, Irreplaceable, and Halo as well as songs from her new album 4.

On Thursday, shooting the second half of the special, Beyoncé performed new tracks including 1+1, Party, and Run the World (Girls), and began to struggle as her voice began to fade.

Her backup singers had to finish off the last song of the special Countdown, after which the singer apologized to the audience, blaming it on a lack of rest. A Night with Beyoncé will be broadcast later this year.