
A package full of drugs found on his clothesline

Imagine for a moment finding a strange package from organized crime hanging on your clothesline while walking outside on a summer morning with a coffee in hand!

This type of scene is not a common occurrence, but a man living north of Montreal was stunned to find a package filled with cannabis, hashish, tobacco, a knife and cell phones, all worth $45,000.

According to information obtained by Radio-Canada, the merchandise was headed, with the help of a drone, to the Bordeaux prison (a Montreal Detention Facility).

It should be noted that the family of the resident in question, who wishes to remain anonymous, lives approximately four kilometers from the detention facility. The family was stunned to see this seven-metre long, tightly sealed serpentine object in their backyard.

The Montreal police rushed to the scene to ensure that the package quickly left a destination that was not its own.

According to the information available at this time, this package was destined for the window of one of the cells in the Bordeaux prison. This serpentine shape fits well in the backstage of a prison.

Note that no less than 300 complaints per year from residents who are disturbed by the noise of the many drones in the sky are filed.