
A simple way to prevent eye disease

Some foods that contain resveratrol help to maintain good eye health.

A compound found in blueberries, red wine, grapes and peanuts can help prevent eye diseases, according to new research published in the American Journal of Pathology.

Resveratrol is produced naturally by several plants. Researchers found it works to prevent the development of abnormal blood vessels in and outside the eye.

The development of new blood vessels, also called vascular proliferation, has a serious impact on the development of eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration.

The formation of new blood vessels also promotes the development of certain types of cancer and atherosclerosis, a build-up of fat on artery walls.

Approximately one million Canadians suffer from some form of macular degeneration that comes with age. With these new insights into the effects of resveratrol, researchers hope to develop future treatments for these eye diseases.