
Accumulate air miles, not fatigued skin

Biotherm launches flight crew-approved Travel Recharge

From jet lag, recycled air, disturbed sleep, climate changes, lost luggage and all the other stressors of travel, your face – and skin – take a beating from frequent flying.

Now luxury skincare company Biotherm has unveiled Travel Recharge for men and women, and has deemed it “the first global skincare solution for travelers.” The slogan promises anti-dehydration, anti-fatigue, and intense recovery – something we could all use when we’re on the road.

The 30 ml carry-on pocket size tube lets you breeze through security. And there’s even an app where you can enter your itinerary, and Biotherm will send you a personalized program of messages on hydration levels, anti-jetlag advice, and other neat stuff.

The company tested the product over more than 3,000 hours of flight time with airline flight crews. From airline pilots to stewards and hostesses, 72 women and 60 men put Travel Recharge to the test daily, for two weeks.

A fusion of active ingredients, Travel Recharge taps an extract of thermal-resisting plant, Rhodiola Rosea, to limit the impact of environmental stresses on the skin. Along with the nourishing capabilities of Himalayan pink salt, soothing mint extract to boost well-being, plus Biotherm’s signature pure thermal plankton extract, Travel Recharge is a one-stop recovery treatment for travelers.