
Adding spices makes burgers more nutritious

Spices reduce carcinogens in hamburger.

While researchers point out carnivores should always be wary of red meat because it releases carcinogens during cooking, a team from the University of California shows that it is possible to reduce these risks by simply adding spices.

According to a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers tested two types of burger, one plain and the other seasoned with a blend inspired by an Eastern Indian recipe.

This spice mixture contained:
ground cloves, 4.34%, 0.5 g
ground cinnamon, 4.34%, 0.5 g
ground Mediterranean oregano, 26.17%, 3.0 g
ground rosemary, 4.34%, 0.5 g
ground ginger, 10,86%, 1.2 g
ground paprika, 30.44%, 3.4 g
ground garlic powder, 12.99%, 1.5 g
ground black pepper, 6 51%, 0.7 g

Researchers found that the spiced burger contained 71% less seasoned malondialdehyde (MDA), a harmful carcinogenic substance. Moreover, a lower level of the substance was present in the blood and urine of study participants.

But buyers beware! In order for these spices to be truly beneficial, the origin and transport of products sold must be ensured and this is not always obvious.