
Adele’s voice has got higher

Adele’s voice has got higher since she had an operation to save her vocal cords in America last year.

Adele’s voice has got higher since she had an operation on her vocal cords.

The singer made her live return – singing publicly for the first time since last November – at the Grammy awards on Sunday (12.02.12) and has noticed some distinct changes since she underwent the operation in America to save her voice.

She told Vogue magazine: "It feels really smooth. It’s not as husky as it used to be, but that’s because I was singing with a polyp. And it’s higher than it used to be. Which is a bit weird. I really thought if my voice changed an octave it would go lower. But it still sounds like me."

The 23-year-old vocalist also explained how she had to build her voice back up gradually, and keep silent for a number of weeks and reportedly speaking through a voice generating phone application before humming, then eventually singing again.

She added: "I hadn’t sung for about five weeks before my surgery, and then I was in three weeks of total silence, so I have to build my voice back up to be able to belt again like I could before.

"Then I was singing along to things, singing in the shower and the bath. But it’s become really easy to sing. It’s a pleasure. And I haven’t felt like that for quite a while."