Entertainment Gossip

AJ McLean discusses bullying and substance abuse problems

“I’ve been battling these for nearly 25 years.”

AJ McClean of the Backstreet Boys was in Montreal to promote The Fashion Hero: A New Kind of Beautiful.

A television project that puts the spotlight on beauty in many forms, and allows a contestant to be the next face of a brand.

It was during his visit to the city that he found himself on the set of Ça finit bien la semaine, where he opened up about several personal aspects of his life, including the bullying he experienced and his addiction problems.

“AJ, some of the participants are victims of bullying, others of body dysmorphia, use drugs and alcohol. You said you can relate to all of them. In what way?” asked host Jean-Michel Anctil.

“I was bullied as a child. You know, I grew up doing a lot of musicals, so I didn’t do sports and most of my friends were girls because I was that kind of quiet kid, very outgoing and very friendly. I think I made it easy for girls to be comfortable with me, unlike the jocks who would say: Hey, babe! I try to be more respectful,” he said his youth.


The singer went on to talk about his substance abuse problems.

“When it comes to drugs and alcohol, everyone knows that I’ve been battling these for nearly 25 years. Today, I’ve been sober for two years (…) Even with body dysmorphia for me, this problem was directly related to drug and alcohol abuse: Significant weight gain or weight loss,” the international star added.


He also revealed that it was something that touched him when his daughters criticized themselves in the mirror… and thus adds motivation for him to put forward beauty in many forms.

Wow, a superb statement from an artist who has come a long way.