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Alexa Chung: ‘Skinny girls are ridiculed’

Alexa Chung thinks she would be "ridiculed" if she ever claimed she was happy to be thin.

Alexa Chung would be "ridiculed" if she said she was happy with her size.

The skinny star – who is currently working on her first fashion collection – thinks it is unfair larger women are entitled to say they love being curvy but she could not as it would lead her to be "criticized".

She said: "People that are bigger can be on the front covers of magazines saying: ‘I’m really happy with my shape.’ But if I was to do that, I’d be completely criticized and ridiculed. But why can’t I be happy with how I look?"

However, British-born Alexa admits she would be happy to put on some weight on occasions.

She told Fashionista: "I just get frustrated because, just because I exist in this shape, doesn’t mean that I’m like advocating it and saying: ‘I look great.’ How do you know I’m not looking in the mirror and going: ‘I wish I could gain 10 pounds?’ Which is actually quite often the case.

"But if you say that you sound like you’re bragging that you’re naturally thin, and you’re not allowed to do that because even though it’s not the ideal weight, it kind of is as well."