Pets Files

Allergies can make your dog miserable

Maxine, my little two-year-old Bichon Frise, was constantly licking and chewing at her feet. She’d work at her paw so intently that nothing could distract her. Her frenzied state continued until she’d give a high-pitched squeal – she’d chewed her little black pad off! Even then, she was back gnawing at her paw within seconds. We were at the vet clinic at the crack of dawn.   

What I didn’t know is that itchy paws are actually a classic symptom of a pet suffering from allergies. I – like many animal lovers – didn’t know the signs. Most dogs develop allergies between one and four years of age.
Telltale signs
You’ll likely see scratching, paw-licking, face-rubbing, or watery eyes. Scratching is the most destructive, since an animal – like Maxine – can scratch herself raw, which can eventually lead to secondary infections, excessive shedding, and alopecia (hair loss).
It’s important to remember that even though your pet may show some or all of these signs, he may not have allergies. He may be suffering from any number of other medical conditions, such as fleas or hormonal disorders. See your vet for an accurate diagnosis.
Allergy types
Atopy (when your pet is sensitive to airborne particles) accounts for most skin problems in dogs. It’s a fancy way of saying that your dog is allergic to various environmental allergens such as pollen, molds, house dust mites, and animal dander. Atopy affects 15 percent of all dogs. 
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) is another common allergy in pets. Pets with FAD are not only irritated by fleabites, but are allergic to the parasite’s saliva. When the pet receives his first fleabite, his immune system responds and is hyper activated. Then, when the pet is bitten again, a more severe itching occurs, causing intense scratching.
It usually develops when they are between one and three years old, but it can be present anywhere from age four months to seven years. 
Symptoms usually are seasonal at first, with most dogs showing clinical signs in the summer months when airborne allergens (such as plant pollens) are present in higher concentrations. As atopic dogs age, their symptoms tend to become less seasonal as they become allergic to more substances. Eventually, their itchiness can occur year-round.
Trust me – it’s a very distressful affliction for your furry friend, and you, when they’re inconsolable. Familiarize yourself with the signs, and visit your vet as soon as you suspect she may be suffering.