
Amy Ryan and Greg Kinnear Co-Starring in a Movie About Iraq

Director Paul Greengrass will be directing Amy Ryan and Greg Kinnear in his upcoming film about the aftermath of the war in Iraq.

According to Variety, Ryan and Kinnear will be playing opposite Matt Damon and Antoni Corone in this movie about the invasion of Iraq.

The movie is based on the book by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone. Greengrass and Brian Helgeland decided to do a movie about this "Green Zone", which is the area the American troops occupied during the war in Iraq.

Damon will play a commander of the CIA searching for weapons of mass destruction.  Kinnear and Corone will be aiding Damon in this search. Ryan will play a journalist for the New York Times who is investigating the activities of the American government in Iraq.

This movie is being done by Universal Pictures and will start filming today in Spain.