
Amy Winehouse death verdict sustained

A second inquest into the death of Amy Winehouse has recorded a verdict of death by misadventure, concluding she drank herself to death.

A second inquest has confirmed Amy Winehouse accidentally drank herself to death.

A 40-minute hearing into the demise of the ‘Back to Black’ singer – who was found dead at home in July 2010 aged 27 – was held today (08.01.13) and Dr. Shirley Radcliffe recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.

The coroner said Amy had "at no time been considered depressed or suicidal" and on the day of her death had been described as "her usual bubbly self".

The court heard there had been no suspicious circumstances and no evidence of illicit drugs in the singer’s system, but her blood alcohol level had been over five times the drink-drive limit.

The coroner concluded: "I’m satisfied on the balance of probability that Amy voluntarily consumed a large amount of alcohol in a deliberate act that took an unexpected turn and led to the death of a talented young woman at such an early age."

None of Amy’s family were present for the hearing, having previously said they were happy with the verdict at the first hearing.

The inquest, which was held at St. Pancras Coroners Court in London, was re-opened after it emerged deputy assistant coroner Suzanne Greenaway – who concluded the investigation in October 2011 – was not properly qualified.

The coroner had been wrongfully appointed by her husband, Dr. Andrew Reid, who has now resigned from his post as the area’s senior coroner, with his spouse also stepping down.