
Amy Winehouse Gets a Parental Warning

Amy Winehouse’s dad is extremely concerned about his daughter.

Amy Winehouse’s father, Mitch, is warning his daughter through the media. He thinks that if she doesn’t change her life, she is going to die a slow and painful death, reports

The troubled singer has been struggling with her substance dependency, especially since she’s been relapsing after she underwent detox.

However this time, she is facing a number of health problems. She has had to deal with impetigo, a skin infection, and in June, she was hospitalised after she overdosed at home. She was then diagnosed with having the early stages of emphysema, a deadly lung disease.

The worried father, who frowns upon his daughter’s recklessness, said, "She will die. But it won’t be from a drugs overdose. She will die from emphysema. That will be the most likely scenario if she doesn’t check her behavior. We are talking about a long, slow, painful death – gasping for air. I would like all the people who would give her illegal substances to think about that."