
Amy Winehouse Watching Marilyn Monroe Films

Singer Amy Winehouse has been watching movies starring the late Marilyn Monroe to help her deal with her problems.

Winehouse was admitted to Capio Nightingale Hospital in London last week, and is a big fan of the 50s icon. FemaleFirst reported that these movies are helping her to get a grip on her own difficulties.


“Amy is very ill and is suffering horrific withdrawal symptoms – shivering and constantly throwing up. Her body is expelling all the rubbish. One thing helping Amy is her Marilyn Monroe films. Amy loves ‘Some Like It Hot’. She’s a huge fan of Monroe and thinks she’s wonderful," stated her father Mitch Winehouse.


The singer of Rehab will need to take control of herself quickly if she does not want it to end the same way it did for Monroe, who died at the age of 36 of a drug overdose.

Her father added, "Amy is battling bravely against addiction. She’s had no visitors because we didn’t want her to get emotional. Hopefully doctors will let us see her today."

Winehouse is trying to get better in time for the Grammy Awards which will be held on February 10.