
An Inevitable Breakup for Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller and Rhys Ifans have hit a rocky point in their relationship.

According to FemaleFirst, friends of Sienna Miller and Rhys Ifans revealed that the couple have had many misunderstandings since their engagement in March.
One of the couple’s friends explained, "It’s awful but everyone who knows them can just see it coming a mile off. Rhys seems madly in love with her still, but everyone is speculating Sienna has grown out of the relationship. It’s almost painful to see them together because they’ve gone from being the perfect couple to him looking as if he’s struggling to keep her attention. It’s so sad."

The problems in the relationship may be stemming from their hectic schedules. Miller, 26, has been very busy shooting the films The Edge of Love and G.I. Joe.