
Angelina Jolie Drops Her Case

Actress Angelina Jolie has dropped a lawsuit against a perfume maker for using the same name as her daughter.

Symine Salimpour, a French-Israeli perfume maker, will soon be releasing a fragrance called Shiloh. 

When Jolie heard that a perfume was being created with her daughter’s name, she filed a note with the US Patent and Trademark Office in January.

Salimpour, however, insists that the name was chosen because of its Hebrew meaning, and not because of the celebrity baby. 

After Jolie agreed to drop the case, the perfume maker agreed to donate 5% of the product’s profits to Israeli medical and educational programs for underprivileged children. 

Salimpour said, "I was so scared. I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t be? In Hebrew, Shiloh means ‘his gift.’ And I will use the perfume to give something back to the children of Israel and the Middle East."