
Angelina Jolie Gives Birth

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are the proud parents of twins, born on Saturday in Nice.

The twin babies of actor Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were born on Saturday (July 12) at a hospital in Nice.  Pitt was by Jolie’s side for the delivery.

Dr. Michel Sussman told People, "The babies are doing well. The mother and father are very, very happy." The boy and girl were named Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, and were born by cesarian section. 

The twins had been scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday (July 15), but the doctor explained that the date was changed to allow the babies to be born in the best health condition possible.

The Jolie-Pitt family is now comprised of six children: Maddox, 6, Pax, 4, Zahara, 3, Shiloh, 2, and the newborns, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. 

The media bidding war for photos of the babies has already begun.  The price for the first photo is expected to be between $15 and $20 million.