
Angelina Jolie Talks About Her Bisexuality

American actress Angelina Jolie has revealed that she is bisexual and considers herself to be an expert at lesbian sex.

She told OK! magazine: "I absolutely love women and find them incredibly sexy.

"I have loved women in the past and slept with them.  I think if you love and want to pleasure a woman, particularly if you are a woman yourself, then certainly you know how to do things a certain way."

The star, who has been married twice, added, "I am an adult woman and have safe sex. I don’t want to be involved in a relationship.  I have these great friends who cross over to be lovers and there’s no reason why there can’t be more than one."

Jolie also stated that she had not slept with Colin Farrell or Brad Pitt, both her co-stars in the last films.  "Brad is a married man. I wouldn’t sleep with a married man. I have enough lovers. I don’t need Brad," she said.